Sunday, June 2, 2013

More work, but its fun work

So the Bottom line is that the truck starts and runs now.  But like I said at the beginning of this blog, this is and will be work in progress for a while.  I made a lot of progress over the last few days.  I was able to fix the starter, replaced the solenoid, replaced a main positive terminal cable, replaced spark plugs.

The next step critical to be able to drive the truck is the carburetor leak (this is more a safety issue now).  I went ahead and placed a fire extinguisher in the truck just in case.

I am in search of a rebuild kit for the carburetor.  Here is a picture:

picture showing the leak
The carburetor is made by Holley.  A quick google search returns hundreds of links.  I have to find the right one.

While replacing the the spark plugs I also noticed that a couple of spark plug wires literally fell apart in my hands as I was taking them out.  So I ordered a set of wires and as soon as I get them they are going on.

Here is a picture of what the wires look like right now:

Kind of messy.  Once I get the new cables I will reorganize them. The nicest thing about these older vehicles and motors, they are really easy to work on.  I could not imaging getting all this work done in such a short time on a newer car or truck.

1 comment:

  1. I found a carburetor kit and the two head lights (Sealed beams) today in Minneapolis @ Little Dearborn

    I picked up the parts today and started rebuilding the carburetor. I will post pictures of this as soon as I am done (in the next couple of days).
